2015..Make it an Authentic Year

9 days into the New Year...any profound changes on the works for yourself this epic New Year? How about discovering your authentic self? Who is that? Have you ever taken the time to call yourself out and find out? Step away from another selfie post, stop thumbing through another Instagram feed, be still and mindfully ask yourself "am I authentic"? Or just a clever, witty or sexy post to upload and be "Liked"? 

We put so much energy and emphasis on making our physical self look younger, tanner, thinner, but why don’t we use that same drive and passion to make us whole, spiritual, peaceful and fulfilled with our own self worth. We think owning that fancy $3,000 bag, having a body like Brook Burke or driving that Italian sports car will fill that void. But it doesn’t. If you don't work on learning to like, discover or heal your authentic self, how do you expect anyone else to like or ever love you.

The daily practice to be self-aware, show vulnerability and calling yourself out when you make decisions based on ego or fear is what truly is living authentically.

Sure make another New Year's resolution to get back to the gym, drink more kale and beet juice, or finish a 7-day cleanse but why not make a conscious effort to do something special for your true self. Leave your cell phone behind, take a 30 min walk outside, hold a smile and say hello to one total stranger a day, or just sit still, quiet your mind, and let your authentic self manifest.

Lilly ZabatComment